Call for papers for 10th anniversary issue: 'Independence for whom?'
NEW DEADLINE: 30 November 2022
The South Asianist is open to submissions for its 10th anniversary issue!
The South Asianist Journal is moving to a rolling publication model, namely articles, reviews, photo essays and other contributions will be published as they complete the editorial process. Each volume follows the calendar year, and authors will see their works published in the volume corresponding with the editorial completion of their respective submissions. We will continue to feature special issues, and actively encourage authors and reviewers to consider open peer review, where the identity of the author and the reviewers are known by all participants, while continuing to give the option of a more conventional double-blind peer review.
NEW DEADLINE: 30 November 2022
The South Asianist is open to submissions for its 10th anniversary issue!
The new editorial team is in place. We aim to avoid unnecessary delays to the publication process.
We are also returning to the issue-based model. We welcome articles (6,000-8,000 words), review essays, commentaries, and photo essays.
Read More Read more about Updates: Editorial team and publication model
Update: The new editorial team is now in place.
The South Asianist Journal is currently in the process of transitioning to a new editorial team. We will endevour to process your new submissions as soon as possible but there may be delays in doing so. If you have any question or concern, please get in touch at
Read More Read more about Changes in the editorial team
Update: Please see the latest announcement regarding return to the issue-based model.
With Volume 7 2020, the South Asianist journal is moving to a rolling volumes model, namely articles, reviews, photo essays and other contributions will be published as they complete the editorial process. Each volume follows the calendar year, and authors will see their works published in the volume corresponding with the editorial completion of their respective submissions. We will continue to feature special issues, and actively encourage authors and reviewers to consider open peer review, where the identity of the author and the reviewers are known by all participants, while continuing to give the option of a more conventional double-blind peer review.
PUBLISHED: 31-May-2020 Read More Read more about The South Asianist adopts rolling volumes modelISSN 2050-487X (Online)
The South Asianist is an Open Access journal published by the Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Edinburgh. All material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence, unless otherwise stated.
This journal is hosted by Edinburgh Diamond.
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