

  • Kalpa Rajapaksha


Image 1: (‘I need to look forward’). Just before the commencement of one of the regional rallies in Kandy, organised by the FUTA to mobilise throughout the country.

Image 2: (‘Orange is the new colour of hope’). Just before the commencement of one of the regional rallies in Kandy, organised by the FUTA to mobilise throughout the country.

Image 3: (‘”Free” education from crises’). Students campaigned for free education with teachers who fought to save state education.

Image 4: (‘Move forward somehow’). One of the many processions conducted by the FUTA during the 2011-2012 trade union struggle.

Image 5: (‘The other side of the story’). Thousands of leaflets were printed and distributed throughout the island describing the need to allocate 6% of GDP for education 

Image 6: (‘Workers of the world, Unite’). Five-day march reaching Colombo.

Image 7: (The next station). 6% campaign was about the right to education for the younger generation more than the right to higher education.